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Accessing Your BillHighway Account

If your National Organization is using BillHighway as their payment processor, funds will be deposited into your chapter's BillHighway account on a rolling basis as donations are made.

To clarify further, this is automatically set up when you select your School or Chapter on the General Info page. 

That being said, any funds raised through your fundraising page should have already been deposited into your BillHighway account. Once the money has been deposited, you have full control over where the funds are directed.

As a friendly reminder, please follow these steps to access your BillHighway account:

  1. From the BillHighway homepage, go to Reports, then Transaction Reports.

  2. Select Deposits, then set the parameters of the report to match your CrowdChange fundraiser’s dates.

  3. Funds will appear in the report as a Donation in the Online Donations account category.

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