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How to Archive a Fundraiser

To Archive a Fundraiser

  1. Go to the fundraiser you would like to archive.

  2. Click Manage Fundraiser in the top-right corner.

  3. Click the triple-dot icon in the top-right corner, then Archive → Yes.

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This will close and archive the fundraiser, stopping it from accepting sales or transactions of any kind.

It will be hidden from the list of fundraisers and only accessible to Admins (Not visible to the public).

To Un-archive a Fundraiser

  1. Go to the fundraiser you would like to restore from archive.

  2. Click Manage Fundraiser in the top-right corner.

  3. Click the triple-dot icon, then Restore from Archive → Yes.

  1. yeszz.png

This will un-archive the fundraiser, restoring it to the list of fundraisers, but it will remain closed until manually reopened. You can re-open it to allow transactions to proceed again.

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