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How to Close or Reopen a Fundraiser

To Close a Fundraiser

  1. Go to the fundraiser you would like to close.

  2. Click Edit Mode in the top-right corner.

  3. Click Advanced Settings → Actions → Close Fundraiser → Yes.

This will close the fundraiser and stop it from accepting ticket sales or transactions of any kind.

Even if a fundraiser has been closed, it is still visible to the public.

To make it invisible to the public, only accessible by Admins and those with a link, go to Edit Mode, click Advanced Settings → Edit and turn on the Hidden event feature under Advanced Features on the Additional Settings page.

TIP: We recommend leaving your fundraiser open for at least a week after your event date, so that people who couldn’t make it can still donate.

The auto-close date is set on the Additional Settings page under Advanced Features → Stop accepting funds on date.

To Reopen a Fundraiser

  1. Go to the fundraiser you would like to reopen.

  2. Click Edit Mode in the top-right corner.

  3. Click Advanced Settings → Actions → Re-open Fundraiser → Yes.

This will reopen the fundraiser and allow all transactions to proceed.

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