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How to Link Registrations to Personal & Team Pages

If you need to require registrations (free or paid) for everyone who creates a Personal or Team Fundraising Page, you can accomplish this easily in your fundraiser settings.

Follow these steps to link Registrations to P2P:

  1. Go to your Main Fundraising Page and click Edit Mode.

  2. Click Advanced Settings → Edit.

  3. Scroll down to Purchase Options and enable My event has registration, then click Next.

  4. Turn on the following under Peer-to-peer features:

    1. Personal fundraising pages

    2. Team fundraising pages

    3. Personal fundraising pages within teams

  5. Turn on the following under Registration features:

    1. Registration is required to create a personal page

    2. Registrants are required to create a personal page with an email address (no opt-out)

    3. Registration is required to create a team

  6. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

This will require registrants to create their Personal or Team Page during checkout.

There will no longer be an option to create a Personal or Team Page without registration.

Your fundraiser will now take on the ‘multi-registration’ workflow:

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